Darling Thursday
About the event
Doors open at 20:00
Location: Time Window in Rotterdam (Teilingerstraat 120)
Tickets: Free entrance
Darling Thursday
It’s time for another Darling Thursday!
Join us from 20h00 for an intimate and inspiring evening of sharing. Expect a delightful mix of creative works in progress: a sneak peek at a movie in the making, sketches of a drawing, a comic’s latest jokes, freshly written poetry or songs, or whatever else our makers are working on. You never know what you’ll discover, but you can count on it being sweet, stimulating, and relaxing.
If you’d like to test or present something, email us at darlingthursdays@gmail.com. Let us know your technical requirements and what kind of audience interaction you’re looking for (e.g., critical feedback, quiet listening, Q&A). Spots are first-come, first-served, so don’t wait too long to reserve your place!
Practical matters
Darling Thursdays are part of the Squish and Time Window programs.
This event is open to everyone but must remain a safe space for queer and BIPOC individuals.
Drinks are donation-based, and you’re welcome to bring your own snacks.
Important: To avoid disturbing the artists, the doors will only be open from 20:00 to 20:30 and during breaks. Please note: latecomers will not be admitted. The program starts promptly at 20:30 with whoever is present.
We’ll see you at Teilingerstraat 120, 3032AW Rotterdam.