GRAW 2024

About the event
21.09.2024 - 22.09.2024
Tickets: Free entrance
GRAW 2024
It’s that time of the year again! We’re excited to open the doors of our studios, and this year we’re gonna spice it up a little bit and go outside the borders of GRAW with a full program including performances, artworks, drinks, music and more.
Once again, we’re bringing you a diverse program featuring artists from our community! Here’s a taste of what to expect: a performative booklet activation with a space for reading and exploration, a tea story, open studios, and a trio of creative janitors from outer space who’ve transformed their nine-to-five office’s backroom into an audiovisual studio. You’ll also find a casual massage salon where the audience can choose their preferred type of connection or treatment, an exploration of death and decay through visceral bodily responses and live sound, and an evening takeover of blinding light, metallic growls, sub-frequencies, and rumbling sounds.
Sounds great, right? Join us on the 21st and 22nd of September to experience it all. We are open from 11:00 to 22:15 on Saturday and from 11:00 to 17:00 on Sunday. You’ll find us at Teilingerstraat 120, 3032 AW Rotterdam.
GRAW 2024 Participants at TimeWindow
As always, it’s not just individual participants who will amaze you—many will be collaborating on some really exciting projects:
✨ Aubane Berthommé Martinez ✨
✨ Kivanç, Chloë Janssens & friends ✨
✨ Ktonios & Cem Altinoz ✨
✨ Maria Sartzetaki & Cem Altinoz ✨
✨ Marta Worner ✨
✨ Omid Kheirabadi ✨
✨ Video Fuel Boy & friends ✨
✨ WEEF Collective ✨
✨ Kivanç, Chloë Janssens & friends ✨
✨ Ktonios & Cem Altinoz ✨
✨ Maria Sartzetaki & Cem Altinoz ✨
✨ Marta Worner ✨
✨ Omid Kheirabadi ✨
✨ Video Fuel Boy & friends ✨
✨ WEEF Collective ✨