The Rule of 3 #5: This is just a simple...

The Rule of 3 #5: This is just a simple dance
During the Rule of Three, Lazy Susan & Co and Gerben Vaillant wish to share and test the first version of their new work with an audience. The day is divided into three chapters.
Prologue: A warm-up with an imagination and simple movement exercise.
Main Course: Presentation of the work in progress.
Epilogue: After talk and feedback.
‘’This is just a simple dance’’ is a collaboration between mime artist Gerben Vaillant and the dance company Lazy Susan & Co. During the Rule of Three they will share a work in progress of this performance with you. The physical and visual performance, set in a desolate village, forms the framework for the dancers and Gerben to explore several of their interests. The photographs of Alessandra Sanguinetti and Ton Grote, femininity as a sensibility, and dance as a way to explore physical sensations and emotions are some of them. The composition of chaos and randomness on stage searches to capture and display the beauty in simplicity and the touching dreams and fantasies of the villagers/performers on stage.